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Head-librarian & Podcast Supersleuth

For as long as I can remember, I've always loved words and stories. I was the girl with her nose in a book at all times—during dinner, while walking (which, by the way, I don't advise; it's dangerous business!). Mysteries were my favorite. If Nancy Drew hadn't been a fictional character, I totally would have been her ride-or-die, cruising around town in that snazzy convertible (sorry, Bess, you've been replaced). I learned a lot from Nance, and I've become somewhat legendary in my family for the info I can hunt down. Finding my mom's classmate from the second grade with no info to go on other than 'I think his name started with a T'? Done. Tracking down a song my dad heard on the radio that he remembers only two words to? No problem. During my college years, I worked at a Christian bookstore. If I had a quarter for all the lovely folks who came up to my customer service desk looking for a song with only, "A man was singing it, oh he has just the most beautiful voice- I just know I've heard him before. The song was, mm, about Jesus and maybe something about grace?' Bless their hearts. But, you know what- I'd throw it into detective mode, and I would track. it. down. The point of this little story is that I love research, and my clients tell me I'm fabulous at noticing/scouting out little details others often miss. 


Strategic podcast guesting isn’t a throw-it-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach; it requires strategy, detailed research, and a touch of intuition. If research isn't your cup of tea or you don’t have time to be as thorough as you’d like, no worries. As an introvert + INFJ-T, I thrive behind the scenes, and nothing makes me happier than rolling up my sleeves to find just the right spot for your message to shine.

A Podcast Guesting Strategist is sitting on a sofa.

Your message won't be for everyone, but for your people—it could be life-changing. Maybe you have a hope-giving message for the mom whose child was just diagnosed with autism, who needs not only practical strategies but the assurance that a supportive community has her back as she struggles to find her "new norm". Or maybe you have the tips and strategies to help an entrepreneur with ADHD organize his work, find a rhythm that suits his limitations, and build his dream business. Or, for the grandma moving into retirement who needs reassurance that life is opening up, not ending, your story could be the key to helping her find a new hobby or passion.


Whatever your message, your tribe is out there and they need to hear what you have to say. I'd love nothing more than to help you find them!

xoxo, Jen

What's on my Desk:

Morning, Beautiful Stoneware Mug

from Hearth & Hand


Homebody Candle

from Be Well Brand


Weekly Schedule Planner

from Laurel Denise



A cozy white chair in a podcast studio.


These are a few of my favorite things:


Fall. Crisp air + cozy sweaters = pure joy in my book. 


Cocoa- if there's even a hint of a chill in the air.
Raspberry Mocha Frappuccino (hold the whip)- during the dog days of summer.


Guilty Pleasure: 
Turkish Dizis. The romance- the drama! They can be cheesy, but I'm totally addicted!


Hostessing. I love to celebrate all life's little moments—birthday parties, brunches, soirées—I'm always planning something. My get-togethers may not always be Pinterest-worthy, but they're always a good time.

A cake in a glass cake pan to celebrate podcast guesting success.

behind  the name

The sun gently rises from among the trees, kissing the pond below with its mellow light. A warm breath of morning air sends wisps of mist mysteriously dancing over the surface of the water as the earthy loam of soil scents the air with its rich, weighted perfume. Along a sloping hill, thick golden brush tangles with wild brambles that droop under the weight of their sweet, dew-kissed berries. A lone songbird trills her morning melody as she flits among the sweeping canopy of branches. This wild and beautiful thicket is Brambleberry Hill, my perfectly imperfect little piece of earth.

At the moment, "The Library" part of Brambleberry Hill is a figment of my imagination. The little library I plan to build along the top of the hill overlooking the pond is all planned out (in my head). Large picture windows welcome rosy hues of morning light & scatter a soft glow across the wooden floor. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, bookended with rolling library ladders, a fireplace, and cozy armchairs, create a cozy nook for heart-to-heart chats. In reality, stacks of books piled in corners and cascading out of shelves have yet to find a home, so until that day, my virtual library will have to do. Come on in and share your dreams. We'll work together to make them a reality, so you can share the message on your heart and light up the world!

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